Coordinate conversion calculator

The coordinate conversion calculator provides the possibility to perform coordinate value conversions between different coordinate and altitude systems. Recalculations can be made for one point or for several points.

About the program

The coordinate conversion calculator (CCC) performs the following functions with an accuracy of ± 0.003 m:

  • calculate the geodetic coordinates B,L from the values of the plane coordinates x and y LKS-92 TM [x,y (LKS-92 TM)> B,L];
  • calculate the plane coordinates x,y LKS-92 TM from the values of geodetic coordinates B and L [B,L> x,y (LKS-92 TM)];
  • calculate the geodetic coordinates B,L and the ellipsoidal height h from the values of the rectangular spatial coordinates X,Y,Z [X,Y,Z>B,L,h];
  • calculate the spatial rectangular coordinates X,Y,Z from the values of geodetic coordinates B,L and ellipsoidal height h [B,L,h>X,Y,Z];
  • calculate the normal height H from the values of the geodetic coordinates B,L and the ellipsoidal height h [B,L,h>H].

To recalculate several geodetic points, you need to enter the input data in a certain format from the keyboard or copy it from a previously prepared .txt file.

To save the calculation results, they must be copied from the output field to a file.

Instructions for preparing input data:

  • the data format corresponding to each conversion function is indicated in the information line above the input data field;
  • the data of each geodetic point must be entered in a new line, separating the data units (space).

If the input data does not conform to the specified format, the operation of the conversion function and the accuracy of the conversion result are not guaranteed.

In cases when the coordinate values obtained with the CCC do not coincide with those published in the geodetic point coordinate catalogues, the coordinates of the geodetic points published in the catalogues shall be considered correct.

Step 1: Select the conversion function.

Step 2: Enter the coordinates of the point in the specified format.

Step 3: Click the "Calculate" button.