Seminar "Local Geodetic Network Regulations" November 2012

In November, the LGIA, in cooperation with the planning regions of Kurzeme, Zemgale, Vidzeme, Latgale and Riga, organized seminars for local governments to explain the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 497 "Local Geodetic Network Regulations" application procedures and the local geodetic network maintenance process.

Practical questions were asked of the staff responsible for the local geodetic network and other interested parties in connection with Regulations No. 497 requirements.

During the seminars, the representatives of local governments were introduced to the operation of the Local Geodetic Network Database, information entry and approval procedures. Also, the seminars provided explanations on the transition to a new height reference system in Latvia - the European Vertical Reference System (EVRS).

Out of 119 municipalities, 92 representatives of municipalities attended the seminar - a total of 152 participants.