Web Map Services WMS

LGIA offers a new service - subscription of geospatial information using the information system web service (WMS services or services).

Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol for transmitting geographic map images over the Internet generated by a map server using data from a GIS database.

The specification was developed and first published in 1999 and its author is Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).

The latest version of WMS is 1.3.0, which was published on January 20, 2004, but revised and revised on October 26, 2010.

More information about WMS is available at

Open Geospatial Consortium mājas lapā


WMS can be connected as a background card for professional GIS and CAD software - ESRI ArcGIS, Bentley Map v8i, Intergraph Geomedia, MapInfo and others, it can also be used with free open source programs QGIS, GRASS GIS, ProGIS, OpenJUMP and other WMS can also be added map publishing browsers as separate layers.


WMS is a direct connection to the data holder's database.

The connected services can be connected and disconnected by the WMS user in layers defined by the data preparer.

They cannot be modified, deleted or downloaded.

The WMS user is provided with access to the most up-to-date information.

If the user does not need the WMS layer on-off functionality and the most recent changes in the data holder's database, then it is possible to use another type of WMS - Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).


Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) is a standard protocol for publishing pre-prepared geographic information to the Internet in the form of mosaic images.

The specification of this standard was developed and first published by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) on May 6, 2010.

Due to the fact that the query card publishing server returns previously prepared map layout images to the user and the server does not have to provide visualization of objects in the database, the speed of WMTS services is 3-5 times higher than WMS.


More information about WMTS available in Open Geospatial Consortium web page
Published by OGC WMTS example

LGIA prepares WMTS services for geospatial basic data, where changes do not occur so often.

Preparation of topographic maps at the scale of 1: 10000 WMTS takes place simultaneously with the preparation of changes for the LGIA Map Browser.


LGIA provides the following internet map services:


  • Orthophoto maps 2013 - 2015 with aerial photography time map - WMS
  • Orthophoto maps 2013-2015 - WMTS
  • Orthophoto maps 2010-2011 with aerial photography time map - WMS
  • Orthophoto maps 2010 - 2011 - WMTS
  • Orthophoto maps 2005-2008 (combined 2nd and 3rd cycle orthophotos) - WMS
  • Orthophoto maps 2007-2008 with aerial photography time map - WMS
  • Orthophoto maps 2007 - 2008 - WMTS
  • Orthophoto maps 2003-2005 with aerial photography time map - WMS
  • Orthophoto maps 2003 - 2005 - WMTS
  • Orthophoto maps 1994-1999. year with aerial photography time map - this service is freely available
  • Orthophoto maps 1994-1999. year, this service is freely available free of charge
  • Topographic plan in scale 1: 2000 (updated for the city of Riga in 2000 - 2015) - WMS, WMTS
  • Topographic map in scale 1:10 000 (current data) - WMS
  • Topographic map in scale 1:10 000 (updated with LGIA Map Browser) - WMTS
  • Topographic map in scale 1:50 000 (current data) - WMS, WMTS
  • National Geodetic Network Database - WMS
  • Place names database - WMS
  • Overview map in scale 1: 250 000 - WMS, WMTS
  • Overview card in scale 1: 500 000 - WMS, WMTS
  • Overview card in scale 1: 1,000,000 - WMS, WMTS
  • Digital terrain model with 20 m step - WMS, WMTS

WMS services for topographic plans, maps and overview maps can be viewed within the range of their scale.
For example, a topographic map M 1:10 000 can be viewed at scales from 1: 5000 (10,000/2) to 1:20,000 (10,000 x 2)
The limitation is due to the fact that there are too many objects to visualize at smaller scales, as a result of which the service becomes very slow.

WMS (WMTS) services are a paid service - costs are fixed hereCabinet Regulation No. 421 of 25 July 2017 “Price List of Paid Services of the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency and the Procedure for Its Application” in section 3 of the annex

You can apply for WMS services by sending a request to the e-mail: pakalpojumi@lgia.gov.lv